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They have the potential to
change the world.

Join us in defending it.


The Green Light campaign was established to help the children and families that we serve to overcome financial hardships. 100% of all
donations are used to directly support people who have a need for special assistance (ex: utility bills, car repair, transportation, food).

Make a one-time donation.

A little help makes a big difference.


Support our matches with one
of your own.

Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match charitable contributions made by their employees. If your company is eligible, we encourage you to request a matching gift form from your employer. By doing this, the impact of your gift could be doubled or even tripled.

Interested in corporate giving? Learn more about our sponsorship programs.


Big-time results for over 50 years

of Littles improved or maintained their scholastic competence.


of Littles improved or maintained their educational expectations.


of Littles improved or maintained parental trust.

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