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We are a curious organization committed
to challenging the status quo.
Our mission to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.
J.E.D.I. is the framework for all we do.
Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
There is a growing false narrative that supports the notion that every child has an equal opportunity to reach their full potential. We know that's not true. There is vast potential in every child in Central Arkansas, but every child doesn't have the support and opportunities to ignite that potential. Countless Central Arkansas young people view our community as a place full of obstacles creating limiting beliefs about the possibilities for their lives.
Central Arkansas has plenty of resources for young people but some of the children, youth, and families we serve don't have access to them and sometimes need help leveraging the resources properly when they arrive. We build a web of relationships for the young people we serve and their families. These relationships help dismantle barriers to resources and opportunities that help the young people we serve reach their God-given potential.

The Green Light to Be Great.
Childhood adversity should not be a sentence to living a life beneath one’s one own potential. Through relationships we connect the young people of Central Arkansas to everything they need to succeed in school, career, and life. Our youth development approach is:
Nothing is lacking from our Little’s accept the connection to tools, resources, and experiences that ignite their upward social mobility. Our presence only brings to the forefront was has always been there.
Our programming reaches all facets of the child. Social mobility metrics are only a symbol of the daily investments being made into our Littles.
Every person on earth is different, and our approach to mentoring accounts for that. Leveraging our knowledge of our Little’s personality type, learning preferences, school environment and more enables us to create results for every child.
Trauma informed
We are well aware of the Adverse Childhood Experiences that our Littles are up against which is why we embed evidence-based strategies into our programming. We will commit to overcoming any red and yellow lights that dim their green light to be great.
Every tutoring session, every match meeting, every intervention, and every planned experience takes place because we are responding to what our youth are communicating verbally and non-verbally. Everything we implement has a desired impact in mind.
Equity Focused
We are using mentorship as a tool to ensure our littles have access to exactly what they need to pursue the same opportunities as their peers.
Empowering young people to pursue the life they envision for themselves.
We chase results, we have systems in place to track our performance and outcomes, in partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters of America we draw on external mentoring research, network data and empirical evidence, as well as consultation from external and internal experts to constantly improve our service delivery.
We hold ourselves accountable accountable for youth outcomes, including:
● Higher aspirations, greater confidence, and better relationships
● Avoidance of risking behaviors
● Educational success
● Youth leadership development
● Workforce and career readiness
The BIG Promise
We are committed to casting a bolder vision for mentoring and making bolder promises to our youth and the community.
We are committed to producing better results and communicating those
results to our stakeholders, donors, and volunteers in better ways.
And we promise to make a bigger impact in the lives of the children
and families we serve through strategic partnerships, innovative
programs, and initiatives.

Currently Serving- Little Rock,
North Little Rock, Pine Bluff, Conway, Jacksonville, Conway, and Bryant

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arkansas is powered by the Central Arkansas community.
We hold ourselves accountable to the donors, volunteers, families, and other community
members who partner with us.