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Weathering a BIG Path for Jadden

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arkansas catches up with Big Brother Joshua Merriweather to talk about his Big/Little match with Little Jadden Bunting.


Big Brother Joshua Merriweather said, "I think our match is going amazing. It's very impactful for Jadden and I. Jadden is getting more comfortable with me each week, but I also see myself opening up more to him. I didn't realize I would learn as much by being a BIG to Jadden. I thought he was only there to learn from me. I learned that although we want instant results, that's not realistic. Honestly, it takes patience and trust, so you have to be committed. I am committed to Jadden."

Joshua knew the importance of a BIG and what a mentor can do for a young person.

"I wanted to give something that I did not have. I want to ignite the potential in a Little the way I wish someone would have with me," Josh continued.

Little Brother, Jadden Bunting, is a Washington Magnet Elementary School student. Jadden wanted a Big Brother who could help him with his homework, play football and basketball, and talk about sports. Jadden has improved in school and math class since being matched with Joshua.

Joshua and Jadden see each other once a week at Washington Magnet Elementary. Josh helps Jadden with his homework, checks over his already completed work, has one-on-one talks with Jadden, and allows him to express his emotions when needed.

"Sometimes the Littles just need a simple conversation for an hour or help with homework. I want him to know I'm there for him in any case," said Josh.

We look forward to seeing this bond grow through Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arkansas. You can also make a difference in a young person's life! Click this link to learn more about becoming a BIG.

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